Presidents Medal winner Ann Neville, Limerick, with IHFA President Kathleen Kelly

YMA Presidents Medal 2012

The President’s Medal is a spe­cial new com­pe­ti­tion for YMA mem­bers who have achieved a lot in the YMA but have also con­tributed a lot to the YMA.  Each YMA club gets to nom­i­nate one mem­ber from their club and must write a nom­i­na­tion essay of no more than 1 page explain­ing why they feel that this per­son deserves to win the president’s Medal.  The appli­cants are assessed based 50% on their achieve­ments within the YMA and 50% on their con­tri­bu­tions to the YMA.  The best three appli­ac­nts will then be called for inter­view.  At this stage the appli­cants will be assessed entirely on their inter­view.