All Ireland Awards 2017
The IHFA Awards Night took place at the Killeshin Hotel, Portlaoise on Friday 16th of February. This year the awards were presented by Ciarán Roche, FBD Risk Manager. Among the awards presented were the All Ireland Awards for 2017, covering ten classes; the YMA Awards, which include Club of the Year, President’s Medal, Hall of Fame and Photographic Competition; the IHFA Gold and Diamond Awards and the presentation of the perpetual trophy to the IHFA Champion Cow.

The All Ireland Awards was based on submitting a photograph entry of animals exhibited at a local or national show.
The entries were scrutinized by a pre selection panel of judges who took into account the quality of the animal as photographed and their winning successes at various shows. There was a final selection of six photographs which were printed in the Winter Journal.
The winning entries were based on the combined placings of seventeen judges who adjudicated on the photographs in each class as they appeared in the Winter Journal. Judges were selected from the IHFA judges panel representing the broad geographical area of the country and on the basis that they had no connections to entries in any of the classes. There were many entries, all of a high quality. The finalists in each class are as follows.
CLASS 1 All Ireland Heifer Born after January 1st 2017 | |||
Champion | Ardarostig Beemer Sunray | Eugene & Sean Murphy, Ardarostig, Waterfall, Co. Cork | |
Reserve | Greenlea Armani Pledge ET | Padraic Greenan, Crosshugh, Monaghan, Co. Monaghan | |
Hon. Mention | Goldenfield Ad Walburga | John & Padraic Murphy, Ballagh, Kilmanagh, Co. Kilkenny | |
CLASS 2 All Ireland Heifer Born between Juy 1st & December 31st 2016 | |||
Champion | Cornboro Beemer Dolly | Brian Corley, Cornafaghey, Smithboro, Co. Monaghan | |
Reserve | Hallow Doorman Abrakazoo ET | Philip & Linda Jones, Killowen, Gorey, Co. Wexford | |
Hon. Mention | Greenlea Mandella Oran | Padraic Greenan, Crosshugh, Monaghan, Co. Monaghan | |
CLASS 3 All Ireland Heifer born between January 1st & June 30th 2016 | |||
Champion | Sprucegrove At Door Sunlight | Keypoint Holsteins, Stoneacre, Togherbeg, Tuam, Co. Galway | |
Reserve | Tullcree Fever Amy 3 | Malcolm Windrum, Creighanroe, Castleblayney, Co. Monaghan | |
Hon. Mention | Swiftsheath Breeze 1573 | Tom & Maura Murphy, Swiftsheath, Jenkinstown, Co. Kilkenny | |
CLASS 4 All Ireland Heifer born between January 1st and December 31st 2015 | |||
Champion | Sprucegrove Chelios M Illinda | Aidan & Seamus Foody, Knockanillaun, Ballina, Co. Mayo | |
Reserve | Clonpaddin Mc Chrisi | Garry & John Hurley, Clonpadden, Ballymoyle, Arkklow, Co. Wicklow | |
Hon. Mention | Hallow Atwood Twizzle 1181 | Philip & Linda Jones, Killowen, Gorey, Co. Wexford | |
CLASS 5 Al Ireland 3 Year Old cow in milk born between January 1st & December 31st 2014 | |||
Champion | Clonpaddin Windbrook Fame 2 ET | Garry & John Hurley, Ballymoyle, Arklow, Co. Wicklow | |
Reserve | Laurelelm Fever Brilliant | Rickey & John Barrett, Adamstown, Ballinhassig, Co. Cork | |
Hon. Mention | Greenlea Shottle Pledge | Padraic Greenan, Crosshugh, Monaghan, Co. Monaghan | |
CLASS 6 All Ireland 4 Year Old Cow in milk born between January 1st & December 31st 2013 | |||
Champion | Hallow Attic Christina | Philip & Linda Jones, Killowen, Gorey, Co. Wexford | |
Reserve | Kilwarden Gold Bonnie ET | Brochan Cocoman, Kilwarden, Kill, Co. Kildare | |
Hon. Mention | Clonpaddin M Cyg Fame ET | Jim & Doireann Mulhall, Danville, Kilkenny, Co. Kilkenny | |
CLASS 7 All Ireland 5 Year Old cow in milk born between January 1st & December 31st 2012 | |||
Champion | Thevalley Amazing Frost | Philip Jones & Conor Morley, Killowen, Gorey, Co. Wexford | |
Reserve | GS Alliance Attwood Okisha | Aidan Foody & Rory Timlin, Knockanillaun, Ballina, Co. Mayo | |
Hon. Mention | Greenlea Lauthority Pledge | Padraic Greenan, Crosshugh, Monaghan, Co. Monaghan | |
CLASS 8 All Ireland Mature Cow in milk born on or before December 31st 2011 | |||
Champion | Kilwarden Windbrook Vix ET | Brochan Cocoman, Kilwarden, Kill, Co. Kildare | |
Reserve | Monamore Seavers Iris | Tom & James Kelly, Ballymakenny Rd, Drogheda, Co. Louth | |
Hon. Mention | Bordermist Sanchez Fran ET | Bordermit Syndicate c/o Philip Jones, Killowen, Gorey, Co. Wexford | |
CLASS 9 All Ireland Irish Pure Friesian Heifer in milk | |||
Champion | Kilsunny Trump 41 | Trevor Dudley, Dovea, Thurles, Co. Tipperary | |
Reserve | Churchclara Naut Roxy | Bill O’Keeffe, Churchclara, Co. Kilkenny | |
Hon. Mention | Mountain Capan Dixie | Micheal Spillane, Tullamaine, Fethard, Co. Tipperary | |
CLASS 10 All Ireland Irish Pure Friesian Cow in milk | |||
Champion | Mountain Tormore Aileen | Micheal Spillane, Tullamaine, Fethard, Co. Tipperary | |
Reserve | Churchclara Blackie Circus | Bill O’Keeffe, Churchclara, Co. Kilkenny | |
Hon. Mention | Carrickshock Dale 1 | Pat Cleary, Hugginstown, Co. Kilkenny |