Sale Report – Pure Friesian Open Day 2017 – Mountain Pure Friesians

There was brisk demand for the best young stock on offer from the Mountain Pure Friesian herd, hosts of the IHFA Pure Friesian Open day on the 19th July. The quality of the cows in the herd was awesome and great examples of farmer-friendly, easy care cows. The combination of high production, protein, longevity, fertility and overall conformation was the setting for an afternoon sale that quality was on offer. Dairy farmers from across the country were in attendance and voted with their pockets.
32 lots were on offer as well as 4 embryos. There was a full clearance with some very fancy prices paid. The average for calves (20 lots) was €1,570. The average for incalf heifers (12 lots) was €2,750. The average for embryos (6 lots) was €625.
The top price was lot 23 which made €4,600. This is an incalf heifer Mountain Martell Rosie 13 from the renowned Rosie family at the Mountain herd. She is bred by Barrowvale Martel12 (VML) from Mountain Frosty Rosie 2 EX92 3E – now on her seventh lactation. Her GDam and GGDam are both Excellent with both recording nine lactations and excellent protein up to 4.06%. Tracing back three generations of excellent.
Other lots include:
Lot 26 – Mountain Rancher Aileen 3, sold for €4200
Lot 31 – Mountain Firtell Averil 2, sold for €3300
Lot 27 – Mountain Firtell Averil, sold for €3100
Lot 32 – Mountain Hylke Dixie 2, sold for €3100