Irish Calves Excel at Black & White Sale
The 37th edition of the Black & White sale held at the Borderway Sale Centre attracted a massive crowd of dairy enthusiasts from across the UK and Ireland with buyers recorded from twenty-three UK counties and six countries including Australia. Trade topped at 13,000gns with 21 animals selling for or above £5000 with the overall average coming to £4010 per life.
Topping the sale at 13,000gns was a First Choice from three heifers due in March consigned by Noel & Daniel Willis from N. Ireland.
The 2nd highest price at the sale went to Leagh Lamborghini, bred by Tim Fitmaurice, Co.Kerry who sold for 12,000gns. Lamborghini was an October born daughter of Lambda and bred from the only Excellent 96 dam and gran dam combination in Canada. Her dam, Hendercroft Fever Bazooka was a Grand Champion at the Eastern Ontario Championship Show and is sister to Hendercroft Winbrook Gummybear EX95 who placed 2nd in the Production class at this year’s Royal Winter Fair.
Emerald Holsteins, Donal, Kathlee and Thomas Neville, Co.Limerick sold a very stylish calf Emerald STA Chief Rhapsody ET for 6000 Guineas at the sale. A september born calf she is a potential 16th Generation Straight Excellent Rhapsod. Her direct line is Stantons Chief x Emerald Lambda Rhapsody EX92(3rd Calf)(1 point off MAX SCORE). Her Dam is currently dry & will be calved and rescored Spring 2024 on her 4th lactation. G.dam Milliedale Dusk Rhapsody EX96-5E – Champion National Dairy Show Milstreet 2018. 3.dam – Peak Goldwyn Rhapsody EX97-6E – 3 x UK Dairy Expo Champion.
Well done to both breeders and the successful bidders on securing two exciting calves. Both calves will remain in Ireland with their new owners so we look forward to seeing how they turn out!
A full sales report is available here