Pat Flynn, “COOLMOHAN” Friesian herd retains National No.1 spot on EBI

Pat Flynn, Coolmohan, Araglen, Kilworth, Co. Cork pictured among his herd of pedigree British Friesian cows which is now the highest rated EBI herd in the courntry on the latest rankings. Pat is auctioning one of his bulls at Kilworth & Araglen Point to Point meeting on Sunday November 9th. Coolmohan Rebvml 1 (VML) is out of a cow with four bulls in AI all proceeds going to the Injured Jockeys Emergency Fund in special recognition of Jonjo Bright & John Thomas McNamara. Photo: Donal O' Leary

Having claimed the Number 1 spot over 12 months ago it is a credible achievement to remain at the top echelon.

It is a positive testament for Friesian breeding and also IHFA Pedigree Registered herds.

The Coolmohan prefix was registered over a decade ago with Pat taking the decision to become a member to establish a pedigree registered herd through the Grade Up process. Milk recording, pedigree registration and Classification have all helped to develop and progress the herd.

A number of Coolmohan bred bulls have been purchased by A.I. stations.

Pat is a member of the Irish Pure Friesian Club and is also a member of the Cork Club.