IHFA Bull Sale & Show 2013
The IHFA Bull Sale & Show took place on Wednesday 27th March in Nenagh Livestock Mart, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary.
Top Price of €3,700 reached by Mountfarna Gerard owned by John O’Callaghan, Farnivane, Bandon, Co. Cork.
Champion was awarded to P. & D. Frawley’s bull Croagh Fevered. Pat & Derrick Frawley from Raheen, Croagh, Rathkeale, Co. Limerick. Croagh Fevered went on to be sold for €3,000.
Reserve Champion awarded to Copsewood Iotal owned by Pallaskenry Agricultural College, Pallaskenry, Co. Limerick.
Judge: P.J. Kelly, Rochfortsbridge, Co. Westmeath.
Auctioneer: Denis Barrett.
All bulls must be TB and Brucellosis tested within 90 days of the Sale and must have a negative test for BVD in 2013.
BVD Virus Free TEST required (from January 1st, 2013). This can be done same time as bloods. You need to allow a minimum of 3 – 4 weeks for the results of this test.
• Both the Dam & G.Dam must be classified GP or better
• The Dam to have a minimum of 600kgs combined Fat & Protein
• Friesian Class Dam to have a minimum of 500kgs combined Fat & Protein
• Certificates must be issued for all entrants.
• Friesian class (born between July 2011 & Feb 2012)
• Holstein Friesian Classes (born between July 2011 & Feb 2012)
These entries will be divided equally into 3 classes)
• EBI Award in each class (Replacing separate EBI class)
All bulls will be pre-inspected before the sale to determine that they are of a Quality standard for a Premier Sale.
To facilitate any extra information, an exhibitor who so wishes may submit any extra relevant information and up to a maximum of three photographs. This information will be printed opposite the bulls pedigree.
Entries close Friday 22nd February in order to allow for inspections.
Entry Fee €50. Entry fee and extra information page €80 (Fees will be taken by direct debit)
The Breed Development Committee will decide on the number of bulls which will be accepted. If there are excess numbers of entries, there will be further screening based on Protein %, EBI and Classification.
Post / Fax entries to: IHFA, Clonakilty, Co. Cork
Email entries to: adeasy@ihfa.ie (provide animals tag no, your phone no & any footnotes)