Grade Up

Grade up is the process of attaining pedigree status for your herd. IHFA operate an open herdbook policy where non-registered Holstien Friesian cows can enter the herdbook and attain pedigree status, subject to EU / IHFA rules.  The process is completed across three generations by mating to a pedigree registered Holstein Friesian bull at each stage – ASR – BSR – Full Pedigree. 

Whole Herd Grade Up Service 

On thousands of dairy farms around the country, there are herds of well-bred, Holstein Friesian cows.  

If good records have been kept, there is no reason why these cows should not be graded up to full registered pedigree status. After all, farmers with these herds have invested time and money in selecting the best breeding bulls and culling inferior stock. By availing of the Whole Herd Grade Up service and grading up to pedigree, this added value can be realised.


How to grade up your herd 

To avail of the Whole Herd Grade Up service, a breeder must:
1. Milk record their cows
2. Join IHFA
3. Register a herd prefix (name)
4. Have a herd free of any restriction under the various Department of Agriculture disease eradication schemes. 

Process of grading-up 

IHFA Field Staff visit herd owners to authenticate their breeding and production records, and complete the registration procedure. They also use records held on the ICBF database as verification.  

Grade up can be simplified if good ancestry records are kept, resulting in full pedigree status being achieved on most cows. Once completed, the process will pay for itself over time through improved herd value. 

For further information on our Whole Herd Grade-up Service please contact our office at 023 8833443 or email  

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